Alan and Tricia Graham lived in the same house for 35 years. They built their marriage and family there. It was the place that centered them.

It was their starting point and their finish line for their everyday life. Their kids knew when they left for school, this home with people who loved them would be waiting for them to walk through the front door. No matter where the Graham family went in the world, or what they encountered in their lives, this was their place of orientation. It was the one place that provided them with a sense of order, stability and direction in their lives. It was their safe haven — it was their home.

Housing alone will never solve homelessness, but community will.

Unlike Alan’s own children, his friend and neighbor, Brandon didn’t have this kind of home when he was a child. Brandon grew up in the foster care system longing for a stable home with a caring family. Although he and his brothers were adopted when he was in high school, Brandon left his adoptive family’s home after graduation to follow his dream of attending college.

Because Brandon’s childhood was fraught with uncertainty, instability and inconsistent family connections, he did not acquire the foundational life skills he needed to realize his dream. Sadly, he soon found himself homeless.

Because of compassionate and generous people like you, Brandon found his safe haven — his home — when he moved into Community First! Village.

“Brandon is a good guy with a great heart and
many opportunities ahead of him. I just want
to help him realize these opportunities.”

-Neal, MLF Board Member and Missional Neighbor

“I have a home. I have stability and friends who care about me. I have a safe haven to build up my life.”

– Brandon

“The Village is like a big work in progress of friendships and family, and it’s all good. I’m able to get help and to help others.”

– Brandon

Brandon moved into the Village in 2021 and immediately
began to make friends and forge a new family. He regularly plays pickleball or basketball with his neighbors, and he sometimes joins in the fun of Open Mic Night at the Village. Like most young men, Brandon also likes to eat! With regular community meals like Pablo’s Tacos and Stone Soup, there are many opportunities for Brandon and his neighbors to connect over a shared meal.

Neal, an MLF Board member and Community First! Village
missional neighbor has become a mentor to Brandon.
Neal is dedicated to helping Brandon realize his goals and
dreams for a better life. He has helped him secure a job offsite and learn about budgeting and managing his finances. Most importantly, Neal and Brandon have bonded as friends and neighbors.

You are the community in Community First! Village. Your donations allow Mobile Loaves & Fishes to provide ongoing support for neighbors living in the Village and hope for our friends still experiencing homelessness on the streets of Austin. Brandon has made his way home. He has found his safe haven with people he trusts and who care for him. He is building a new life and beginning to realize his dreams.