Through Genesis Gardens, the broader Austin community comes together with neighbors living in Community First! Village to steward the land together, cultivate relationships, recall what it means to put down roots and share in the abundance of their yields.

Spanning more than 10 acres of the Village, the organic gardens provide a place of intention and togetherness. Here, neighbors and volunteers roll up their sleeves and learn together – all while growing relationally with one another.

Genesis Gardens Features:

The bounty from the garden is washed, bunched, canned, pickled, preserved or cooked and prepared for meals. Free farmers markets on Saturdays make it possible for neighbors living in the Village to have direct access to the best vegetables on Earth!

Varieties include pecan, mulberry, etc. and help us supply neighbors with a year round selection of seasonal healthy fruits and nuts.

Eggs are a cornerstone of our farmers markets, providing neighbors with a free source of protein. Our apiary provides honey to the neighbor’s farmers market. And ducks are just plain fun!

Our apiary provides honey to the neighbor’s farmers market.

Our geodome provides food for our neighbors year round and allows us to grow tropical fruits and veggies not suited to our Hill Country environment.

Our aquaponics and hydroponics greenhouse helps us grow some crops faster and with higher yields, providing greater abundance to our neighbors.

Phase II of Community First! Village features a spring-fed pond that is currently undergoing a habitat restoration project.

Patches currently yield: tomatillo, tomato, potato, honeydew melon, cantaloupe, watermelon, pumpkin, cucumber, gourds, loofahs and more.

All the plants in Genesis Gardens are grown from seed in our greenhouse

We grow mushrooms!

We planted 300 feet of sunflowers, okra and corn in a handcrafted stone border to serve as an aesthetic green wall between the Garden and neighboring projects.

We encourage individuals, groups, families and businesses to work alongside us on the farm. Our Genesis Gardens program offers a number of ways for you to volunteer, all while cultivating relationships as we steward the land together.