I totally agree with my friend and neighbor, Mississippi— Community First! Village is the best neighborhood I’ve ever lived in! Do you know why? It’s not the location, or the house, or the community amenities. It’s the people!

Tricia and I lived in the same neighborhood in west Austin for more than 35 years, but we never got to know our neighbors like we have in the seven years we have lived in Community First! Village. We consider our neighbors here to be family—a forged family—of people who care so deeply for us that when something goes wrong, we know they’re here for us. This is the kind of love and support I receive and witness every day in the Village—neighbors caring for neighbors.

Housing alone will never solve homelessness, but community will.

‘Sippi,’ as he likes to be called, knows the power of a loving and supportive family. Raised by his mother and grandmother, he learned what it means to take care of each other, to work hard and to have faith in God. He made his way to Austin from Mississippi nearly 30 years ago and connected with his younger brother. However, through a storm of challenges and poor decisions made as a young man, Sippi found himself in and out of homelessness for more than a decade. He moved into the Village two years ago and has settled into life here by leaning on the lessons he learned from his family.

“Before she passed, my mom knew that I was safe and no longer living on the streets. She was so proud to know that I have a home, I have work and I live in a place full of love.”

– Mississippi

It is because of compassionate and generous people like you that Community First! Village is what it is today. The Village is a safe place for neighbors like Sippi and nearly 400 men and women who have experienced homelessness to live in a permanent home surrounded by a caring community.

You have helped Sippi find his home, dignified work and a place where he belongs. Most days you will find him working with the hospitality team at the Community Inn making sure our Inn guests are welcomed warmly and that their accommodations are clean and comfortable. When he’s not working, Sippi enjoys riding his bike and hanging out with other neighbors shooting pool or playing ping pong in the Living Room.

“I don’t ever want to leave here. My home may be small, but it’s more than enough for me. I feel like I’m really living now!”

– Mississippi

Thank you for standing alongside our neighbors like Sippi!

Your gift allows Mobile Loaves & Fishes to provide ongoing support for neighbors living in the Village and hope for our friends still experiencing homelessness on the streets of Austin.

After too many years on the streets, Sippi is home. He has found his place of belonging in this community of caring people.

Your donations demonstrate the meaning of neighbors caring for neighbors by providing community, dignity, hope and home for those who need it most.

Hear more of Mississippi’s story in his own episode of the Gospel Con Carne podcast, hosted by our founder Alan Graham.